Blog O' Matty

Using Kubernetes server side validation to validate your deployment manifests

This article was posted by on 2020-06-29 01:00:00 -0500 -0500

Kubernetes server side validation recently landed, and it’s a super useful feature. Prior to server side validation, you could use the kubectl dry-run feature to validate your deployment manifests:

$ kubectl apply --dry-run -f nginx.yaml

pod/nginx created (dry run)

When this command runs, the validation occurs on the machine that hosts the kubectl binary. While useful, there are a few use cases were your manifest would validate locally, but wouldn’t apply when you sent it to the API server. One example is if your kubectl binary was older than 1.16, and you tried to send a JSON payload with deprecated APIs to a 1.16+ API server. With the new server side apply feature, you can have the API server validate the manifest.

To use server side validation, you can add the string “server” to the “–dry-run” option:

$ kubectl apply --dry-run=server -f nginx.yaml

error: error validating "nginx.yaml": error validating data: ValidationError(Pod.spec.containers[0].resources): unknown field "requestss" in io.k8s.api.core.v1.ResourceRequirements; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false

If the API server detects an issue, kubectl will note that in the output. Super useful feature, and definitely one you should add to your CI/CD pipeline if kubectl is your deployment tool of choice.

Using mkcert to quickly create certificates for testing and development environments

This article was posted by on 2020-06-29 00:00:00 -0500 -0500

As a developer, operator, and architect, I am always evaluating technological solutions. A fair number of these solutions use TLS, which requires minting new certificates. I recently came across mkcert, which makes it SUPER easy to provision new certificates for development and testing. To get started with mkcert, you will need to run it with the “-install” option:

$ mkcert -install

Created a new local CA at "/home/vagrant/.local/share/mkcert" 💥
The local CA is now installed in the system trust store! ⚡️
The local CA is now installed in the Firefox and/or Chrome/Chromium trust store (requires browser restart)!

This will create a new CA certificate in $HOME/.local/share/mkcert, and update your trust stores so curl, Firefox, etc. won’t complain when they connect to a TLS endpoint that uses a mkcert minted certificate. To actually create a certificate, you can run mkcert with the common name you want assigned to the certificate:

$ mkcert localhost

Using the local CA at "/home/vagrant/.local/share/mkcert" ✨

Created a new certificate valid for the following names 📜
 - "localhost"

The certificate is at "./localhost.pem" and the key at "./localhost-key.pem" ✅

That’s it! You now have a RootCA, a private key, and an X.509 certificate to use for testing. It takes seconds to create them, and you can fire up your favorite service with the generated certs:

$ openssl s_server -cert localhost.pem -key localhost-key.pem -www -accept 8443 &

$ curl -D - https://localhost:8443

HTTP/1.0 200 ok
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
    Protocol  : TLSv1.2
    Cipher    : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
    Session-ID: XXXX
    Session-ID-ctx: 01000000
    Master-Key: XXXX
    Key-Arg   : None
    Krb5 Principal: None
    PSK identity: None
    PSK identity hint: None
    Start Time: 1593446296
    Timeout   : 300 (sec)
    Verify return code: 0 (ok)

The certificate and private key are created in your current working directory, and the RootCA certificate is placed in $HOME/.local/share/mkcert by default. All of these files are PEM encoded, so openssl and company can be used to print their contents. In addition, mkcert will populate the nssdb file in your home directory with the RootCA:

$ ls -la /home/vagrant/.pki/nssdb

total 32
drwxrw----. 2 vagrant vagrant    55 Jun 29 15:45 .
drwxrw----. 3 vagrant vagrant    19 Mar 31 18:20 ..
-rw-------. 1 vagrant vagrant 10240 Jun 29 15:45 cert9.db
-rw-------. 1 vagrant vagrant 13312 Jun 29 15:45 key4.db
-rw-------. 1 vagrant vagrant   436 Jun 29 15:45 pkcs11.txt

$ certutil -L -d sql:/home/vagrant/.pki/nssdb

Certificate Nickname                                         Trust Attributes

mkcert development CA 196291963499902809203365320023044568657 C,,

While I still love OpenSSL and cfssl, this is my new go to for quickly minting certificates for development and testing. Amazing stuff!

Enabling hashicorp vault auto-completion

This article was posted by on 2020-06-16 00:00:00 -0500 -0500

Hashicorp Vault has become one of my favorite technologies over the past year. Secrets management is a non-trivial undertaking, and I’m routinely blown away by how easy vault makes secrets management. One nifty thing I recently learned is vault has auto-completion, which you can enable with the “-autocomplete-install” option:

$ vault -autocomplete-install && source $HOME/.bashrc

Once enabled, you can type vault followed by a tab to see all of the available options:

$ vault <tab>

agent      delete     login      plugin     secrets    token
audit      kv         namespace  policy     server     unwrap
auth       lease      operator   print      ssh        write
debug      list       path-help  read       status

This also works for subcommands, so typing $(vault audit TAB) will display the options that can be passed to the audit sub-command. I’m a huge fan of auto-completion, and try to use it whenever I can to improve my efficieny.

Zookeeper now has native Prometheus metrics support

This article was posted by on 2020-06-11 08:14:17 -0500 -0500

As a long time Kafka, Zookeeper, and Prometheus user, I have been utilizing the JMX exporter to gather operational metrics from my Zookeeper and Kafka clusters. Having to bolt on an additional component is never fun, so I was delighted to see that Zookeeper 3.6.0 added native Prometheus metric support. Enabling it is as easy as adding the following lines to your zoo.cfg configuration file:


The included metrics rock, and there are now dozens of additional USEFUL metrics you can add to your dashboards. Hopefully Kafka will take note and provide native Prometheus metrics in a future release.

Using node local caching on your Kubernetes nodes to reduce CoreDNS traffic

This article was posted by on 2020-05-15 01:00:00 -0500 -0500

Kubernetes 1.18 was recently released, and with it came a slew of super useful features! One feature that hit GA is node local caching. This allows each node in your cluster to cache DNS queries, reducing load on your primary in-cluster CoreDNS servers. Now that this feature is GA, I wanted to take it for a spin. If you’ve looked at the query logs on an active CoreDNS pod, or dealt with AWS DNS query limits, I’m sure you will appreciate the value this feature brings.

To get this set up, I first downloaded the node local DNS deployment manifest:

$ curl -o localnodecache.tml -L0

The manifest contains a service account, service, daemonset and config map. The container that is spun up on each node runs CoreDNS, but in caching mode. The caching feature is enabled with the following configuration block, which is part of the config map that was installed above:

cache {
        success  9984 30
        denial   9984 5
        prefetch 500  5

The cache block tells CoreDNS how many queries to cache, as well as how long to keep them (TTL). You can also configure CoreDNS to prefetch frequently queried items prior to them expiring! Next, we need to replace three PILLAR variables in the manifest:

$ export localdns=""

$ export domain="cluster.local"

$ export kubedns=""

$ sed -i "s/__PILLAR__LOCAL__DNS__/$localdns/g; s/__PILLAR__DNS__DOMAIN__/$domain/g; s/__PILLAR__DNS__SERVER__/$kubedns/g" nodelocaldns.yaml > nodedns.yml

The localdns variable contains the IP address you want your caching coredns instance to listen for queries on. The documentation uses a link local address, but you can use anything you want. It just can’t overlap with existing IPs. Domain contains the Kubernetes domain you you set “clusterDomain” to. And finally, kubedns is the service IP that sits in front of your primary CoreDNS pods. Once the manifest is applied:

$ kubectl apply -f nodedns.yml

You will see a new daemonset, and one caching DNS pod per host:

$ kubectl get ds -n kube-system node-local-dns

node-local-dns   4         4         4       4            4           <none>          3h43m

$ kubectl get po -o wide -n kube-system -l k8s-app=node-local-dns

NAME                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP           NODE                 NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
node-local-dns-24knq   1/1     Running   0          3h40m   test-worker          <none>           <none>
node-local-dns-fl2zf   1/1     Running   0          3h40m   test-worker2         <none>           <none>
node-local-dns-gvqrv   1/1     Running   0          3h40m   test-control-plane   <none>           <none>
node-local-dns-v9hlv   1/1     Running   0          3h40m   test-worker3         <none>           <none>

One thing I found interesting is how DNS queries get routed to the caching DNS pods. Given a pod with a ClusterFirst policy, the nameserver value in /etc/resolv.conf will get populated with the service IP that sits in front of your in-cluster CoreDNS pods:

$ kubectl get svc kube-dns -o wide -n kube-system

NAME       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                  AGE     SELECTOR
kube-dns   ClusterIP   <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP   5d18h   k8s-app=kube-dns

$ kubectl exec -it nginx-f89759699-2c8zw -- cat /etc/resolv.conf

search default.svc.cluster.local svc.cluster.local cluster.local
options ndots:5

But under the covers, iptables has an OUTPUT chain to route DNS requests destined for your CoreDNS cluster service IP to the IP assigned to the localdns variable. We can view that with the iptables command:

$ iptables -L OUTPUT

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     udp  --           anywhere             udp spt:53
ACCEPT     tcp  --           anywhere             tcp spt:53
ACCEPT     udp  --        anywhere             udp spt:53
ACCEPT     tcp  --        anywhere             tcp spt:53
KUBE-SERVICES  all  --  anywhere         anywhere             ctstate NEW /* kubernetes service portals */
KUBE-FIREWALL  all  --  anywhere         anywhere

Pretty neat! Now to test this out. If we exec into a pod:

$ kubectl exec -it nginx-f89759699-59ss2 -- sh

And query the local caching instance:

$ dig +short @

$ dig +short @

We get the same results. But if you check the logs, the first request will hit the local caching server, and then be forwarded to your primary CoreDNS service IP. When the second query comes in, the cached entry will be returned to the requester, reducing load on your primary CoreDNS servers. And if your pods are configured to point to the upstream CoreDNS servers, iptables will ensure that query hits the local DNS cache. Pretty sweet! And this all happens through the magic of CoreDNS, IPTables and some awesome developers! This feature rocks!