Blog O' Matty

Notes from episode 28 of TGIK: Exploring CockroachDB on Kubernetes

This article was posted by Matty on 2018-03-03 18:00:00 -0500 -0500

Over the past few months I’ve been trying to learn everything there is to know about Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an amazing technology for deploying and scaling containers though it comes with a cost. It’s an incredibly complex piece of software and there are a ton of bells and whistles to become familiar with. One way that I’ve found for coming up to speed is Joe Beda’s weekly TGIK live broadcast. This occurs each Friday at 4PM EST and is CHOCK full of fantastic information. In episode twenty-eight Joe discusses running cockroachdb in a statefulset. You can watch it here:

Here are some of my takeways from the episode:

Things I need to learn more about:

Running an ansible task on one node in a group

This article was posted by Matty on 2018-03-03 11:15:24 -0500 -0500

I’ve been using Ansible to provision and upgrade my Kubernetes clusters. As part of bootstraping my hosts ansible installs flannel, kube-router, kube-dns and in some cases kured. The deployment manifests that are used to create these resources need to be kubectl create'ed on a single node. When I was reasoning through the best way to approach this problem two ideas came to mind:

Both options work but the second one brings up an interesting question. If my inventory contains a list of controllers:


How do I ensure that my kubectl create command runs on just one node? I did some experimenting and this is actually pretty easy to do. First, I created a new group with the first node in the kubcontrollers group:


Then in my playbook I checked to see if the name in inventory_hostname is in the kubmaster group. If so, I run kubectl create on just that node. Here is the YAML I created to get this working:

- name: Check to see if the flannel deployment manifest exists
    path: "{{ kubernetes_directory }}/{{ flannel_deployment_manifest }}"
  register: flannel_config_exists
  tags: flannel

- name: Create the flannel deployment manifest if it doesn't exist
    src: {{ flannel_deployment_manifest_template }}
    dest: "{{ kubernetes_directory }}/{{ flannel_deployment_manifest }}"
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0600
  register: flannel_config_changed
  tags: flannel

- name: Creating the initial flannel pods with kubectl create
  shell: "{{ KUBECTL_BINARY }} create -f {{ kubernetes_directory }}/{{ flannel_deployment_manifest }}"
    chdir: "{{ kubernetes_directory }}"
  when: >
        inventory_hostname in groups['kubmaster'] and
        flannel_config_exists.stat.exists == False and
  tags: flannel

Jesse Keating’s Mastering Ansible and Jeff Geerling’s Ansible for DevOps sure have come in handy during the development of my Kubernetes installation and upgrade playbooks. Loves me some ansible!

Commenting out large blocks of code with vim

This article was posted by Matty on 2018-03-03 10:00:00 -0500 -0500

Last night I was helping a friend debug a really cool problem. During our debugging session he saw me use vim short cuts to comment and uncomment large chunks of code and append strings to numerous lines. He thought this was pretty cool and asked me to show him how to do this. I love teaching folks and sharing my knowledge so I put him on the keyboard and walked him through each item. I also told him I would note this in my blog for future reference.

I don’t recall where I originally read about visual blocks or the mass comment short cut. Most likely I came across is when I read the vim documentation. To illustrate this useful feature let’s say you are debugging a problem and want to comment out the following section of code (thanks kured for the snippet):

func commandReboot(nodeID string) {
        log.Infof("Commanding reboot")

        if slackHookURL != "" {
                if err := slack.NotifyReboot(slackHookURL, slackUsername, nodeID); err != nil {
                        log.Warnf("Error notifying slack: %v", err)

        // Relies on /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket bind mount to talk to systemd
        rebootCmd := exec.Command("/bin/systemctl", "reboot")
        if err := rebootCmd.Run(); err != nil {
                log.Fatalf("Error invoking reboot command: %v", err)

You can type j or k to move to the func line and then hit cntrl-v to enter visual mode. Next can now use the j character to move the block down to the end of the section you want to comment. Once all of the lines you want to comment are marked you can hit shift+I to insert and then type a comment character. Then you can hit escape and the comment character will be propagated to all of the lines in your visual block. To remove the comments you can type u to undo the change. If you closed out of the file you can reverse the steps above and use x to delete the highlight characters. When you hit escape it will be removed from all of the lines in your visual block.

One other nifty short cut is the ability to append text to multiple lines. Say you have are working on the following systemd unit file:


To allow options to span lines you need to append a \ character to each line. To do this quickly with vim you can use cntrl-v to highlight the ExecStart block. Once the block is highlighted you can type shift $ to go to the end of the line. To add a slash to all of the marked lines you can type shift A to append and then type a \ followed by an escape. The entire block will now have a \ appended to it. Vim is crazy powerful and I learn a new tip or trick just about every day.

Getting the bcc tools working on Fedora 27

This article was posted by Matty on 2018-02-25 09:37:34 -0500 -0500

While digging through the Ansible gluster_volume module I wanted to fire up the bcc execsnoop utility to see what commands were being run. When I ran it from the shell I got the following error:

$ execsnoop | grep gluster

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./execsnoop", line 21, in <module>
    from bcc.utils import ArgString, printb
ImportError: cannot import name 'ArgString'

I started poking around /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bcc and noticed that the AggString and printb functions weren’t present in The version of python3-bcc that ships with Fedora 27 is a bit dated and doesn’t contain these functions. As a quick fix I downloaded the latest version of from GitHUB and replaced the version on my debug host. That fixed the problem and I was bcc’ing away. I’m planning to file a bug later today (if one doesn’t exist) to get the latest version added.

Learning how Ansible modules work with execsnoop

This article was posted by Matty on 2018-02-25 09:02:18 -0500 -0500

I’ve been digging into Kubernetes persistent volumes and storage classes and wanted to create a new cluster to storage my volume claims. Ansible version 1.9 ships with the gluster_volume module which makes creating a new cluster crazy easy. The module is written in Python and you can find it in /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/modules/system/ on Fedora-derived distributions. To create a new cluster you need to create a new file system and then define a gluster_volume task to actually create the cluster:

- name: create gluster volume 
    state: present
    name: "{{ gluster_volume_name }}"
    bricks: "{{ gluster_filesystem/brick_name }}"
    rebalance: no
    start_on_create: yes
    replicas: "{{ gluster_replica_count }}"
    transport: tcp
      auth.allow: "{{ gluster_cal }}"
    cluster: "{{ groups.gluster | join(',') }}"
    host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
  run_once: true

Jeff Geerling describes how to build a cluster in gory detail and I would definitely recommend checking that out if you want to learn more about the module options listed above (his Ansible for DevOps book is also a must have). Gluster is a complex piece of software and I wanted to learn more about what was happening under the covers. While I could have spent a couple of hours reading the source code to see how the module worked I decided to fast track my learning with execsnoop. Prior to running my playbook I ran the bcc execsnoop utility and grep’ed for the string gluster:

$ execsnoop | grep cluster

This produced 25 lines of output:

chmod            8851   8844     0 /usr/bin/chmod u+x /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1519562230.06-193658562566672//root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1519562230.06-193658562566672/
bash             8852   6539     0 /bin/bash -c /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/python /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1519562230.06-193658562566672/; rm -rf "/root/.ansib
sh               8852   6539     0 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/python /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1519562230.06-193658562566672/; rm -rf "/root/.ansible/tmp/ansib
python           8865   8852     0 /usr/bin/python /root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1519562230.06-193658562566672/
python           8866   8865     0 /usr/bin/python /tmp/ansible_2rTonm/
gluster          8867   8866     0 /usr/sbin/gluster --mode=script peer status
gluster          8873   8866     0 /usr/sbin/gluster --mode=script volume info
gluster          8879   8866     0 /usr/sbin/gluster --mode=script peer probe
gluster          8885   8866     0 /usr/sbin/gluster --mode=script volume create kubernetes-volume1 replica 3 transport tcp
S10selinux-labe  8891   6387     0 /var/lib/glusterd/hooks/1/create/post/ --volname=kubernetes-volume1
gluster          8892   8866     0 /usr/sbin/gluster --mode=script volume info
gluster          8898   8866     0 /usr/sbin/gluster --mode=script volume start kubernetes-volume1
glusterfsd       8904   6387     0 /usr/sbin/glusterfsd -s --volfile-id kubernetes-volume1. -p /var/run/gluster/vols/kubernetes-volume1/ -S /var/run/gluster/e2eaf5fee7c4e7d6647dc6ef94f8a342.socket --brick-name /bits/kub1 -l /var/log/glusterfs/bricks/bits-kub1.log --xlator-option *-posix.glusterd-uuid=6aa04dc6-b578-46a5-9b9e-4394c431ce42 --brick-port 49152 --xlator -option kubernetes-volume1-server.listen-port=49152
glusterfs        8925   8924     0 /usr/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/glustershd -p /var/run/gluster/glustershd/ -l /var/log/glusterfs/glustershd.log -S /var/run/gluster/6eb5edea939911f91690c1181fb07f5d.socket --xlator-option *replicate*.node-uuid=6aa04dc6-b578-46a5-9b9e-4394c431ce42  8935   6387     0 /var/lib/glusterd/hooks/1/start/post/ --volname=kubernetes-volume1 --first=yes --version=1 --volume-op=start --gd-workdir=/var/lib/glusterd
getopt           8937   8935     0 /usr/bin/getopt -l volname: -name ctdb --volname=kubernetes-volume1 --first=yes --version=1 --volume-op=start --gd-workdir=/var/lib/glusterd
S30samba-start.  8938   6387     0 /var/lib/glusterd/hooks/1/start/post/ --volname=kubernetes-volume1 --first=yes --version=1 --volume-op=start --gd-workdir=/var/lib/glusterd
getopt           8939   8938     0 /usr/bin/getopt -l volname:,gd-workdir: -name Ssamba-start --volname=kubernetes- volume1 --first=yes --version=1 --volume-op=start --gd-workdir=/var/lib/glusterd
grep             8945   8944     0 /usr/bin/grep user.smb /var/lib/glusterd/vols/kubernetes-volume1/info
gluster          8947   8866     0 /usr/sbin/gluster --mode=script volume set kubernetes-volume1 auth.allow 192.168.2.*  8956   6387     0 /var/lib/glusterd/hooks/1/set/post/ --volname=kubernetes-volume1 -o auth.allow=192.168.2.* --gd-workdir=/var/lib/glusterd
getopt           8959   8956     0 /usr/bin/getopt -l volname:,gd-workdir: --name Ssamba-set -o o: -- --volname=kubernetes-volume1 -o auth.allow=192.168.2.* --gd-workdir=/var/lib/glusterd
grep             8965   8964     0 /usr/bin/grep status /var/lib/glusterd/vols/kubernetes-volume1/info
S32gluster_enab  8967   6387     0 /var/lib/glusterd/hooks/1/set/post/ --volname=kubernetes-volume1 -o auth.allow=192.168.2.* --gd-workdir=/var/lib/glusterd
gluster          8974   8866     0 /usr/sbin/gluster --mode=script volume info

The first five lines are used to setup up the ansiballz module and the remaining lines contain the commands ansible runs to create the cluster on one of my gluster noes. While I love reading code sometimes you just don’t have time and this was one of them.