Running an ansible task on one node in a group

I’ve been using Ansible to provision and upgrade my Kubernetes clusters. As part of bootstraping my hosts ansible installs flannel, kube-router, kube-dns and in some cases kured. The deployment manifests that are used to create these resources need to be kubectl create'ed on a single node. When I was reasoning through the best way to approach this problem two ideas came to mind:

Both options work but the second one brings up an interesting question. If my inventory contains a list of controllers:


How do I ensure that my kubectl create command runs on just one node? I did some experimenting and this is actually pretty easy to do. First, I created a new group with the first node in the kubcontrollers group:


Then in my playbook I checked to see if the name in inventory_hostname is in the kubmaster group. If so, I run kubectl create on just that node. Here is the YAML I created to get this working:

- name: Check to see if the flannel deployment manifest exists
    path: "{{ kubernetes_directory }}/{{ flannel_deployment_manifest }}"
  register: flannel_config_exists
  tags: flannel

- name: Create the flannel deployment manifest if it doesn't exist
    src: {{ flannel_deployment_manifest_template }}
    dest: "{{ kubernetes_directory }}/{{ flannel_deployment_manifest }}"
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0600
  register: flannel_config_changed
  tags: flannel

- name: Creating the initial flannel pods with kubectl create
  shell: "{{ KUBECTL_BINARY }} create -f {{ kubernetes_directory }}/{{ flannel_deployment_manifest }}"
    chdir: "{{ kubernetes_directory }}"
  when: >
        inventory_hostname in groups['kubmaster'] and
        flannel_config_exists.stat.exists == False and
  tags: flannel

Jesse Keating’s Mastering Ansible and Jeff Geerling’s Ansible for DevOps sure have come in handy during the development of my Kubernetes installation and upgrade playbooks. Loves me some ansible!

This article was posted by Matty on 2018-03-03 11:15:24 -0500 -0500