Blog O' Matty

New zone features in Solaris 10 update 9

This article was posted by Matty on 2011-03-24 08:27:00 -0400 -0400

I just finished reading through Frank Batschulat’s slide deck of new zone features in Solaris 10 update 9. The new update on attach enhancements look extremely useful, and I have a few systems I will have to try to p2v using the tools that now ship with Solaris. If you are using zones, you should check out his presentation. Good stuff!

Stopping your RHEL virtual interfaces from starting at boot. ONPARENT you say?

This article was posted by Matty on 2011-03-22 17:37:00 -0400 -0400

I recently debugged a pretty interesting problem with one of my clusters. When I rebooted one of the nodes, I noticed that a virtual interface that had ONBOOT set to no was started when the network interfaces were initialized. For those not familiar with RHEL systems, the ONBOOT directive tells the network initialization scripts not to start a given interface. This was rather confusing, and after some experimenting with a virtual machine I saw the EXACT same behavior. Something had to be awry here!

After reading through the ifup-aliases script, I saw a reference to the ONPARENT directive. This directive had similar properties to ONBOOT, but only applied to virtual interfaces. A quick Google search revealed that this is indeed the purpose of the directive, though I haven’t seen a whole lot of documentation that refers to it. :(

So if you need to stop a virtual interface from starting when the network interfaces are initialized, you need to set ONPARENT instead of ONBOOT to no. Here is a sample ifcfg file that shows how to use it:

$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0:1


I have no idea why Redhat couldn’t use ONBOOT for both, but then again I don’t understand a lot of things that come out of Raleigh. Food for thought!

Who says Linux isn't stable?

This article was posted by Matty on 2011-03-22 17:27:00 -0400 -0400

I have been replacing some old hardware over the past few months, and recently noticed that we had several machines with uptimes in the hundreds of days (one 800+ days). For the longest time I thought only Solaris and AIX provided this kind of stability, but over the past few years I’ve started to include Linux in this list as well. You gotta love it when you see this:

$ uptime
2:08pm up 428 days, 3:00, 1 user, load average: 0.63, 0.50, 0.36

Now if only ksplice would make it into the Enterprise distributions! That would be rad, and I’m sure some fun “my uptime is better than your uptime” threads would ensue. :)

A great presentation on IPv6

This article was posted by Matty on 2011-02-11 00:16:00 -0400 -0400

I was fortunate enough to attend Michael Warfield’s talk on DNS security this past Monday. If you don’t know Mike, he is a crazy smart dude who gives spectacular presentations. Can’t recommend him enough! Mike has been at the forefront of the IPv6 movement, and has given a number of IPv6 presentations in the past few months. The video from one of those presentations (Brave New World of IPv6 ) was just posted to the Internet, and I thought I would pass on the link. Mike is an incredible presenter, and you will definitely take away a boatload of information from each and every chat of his you attend. We are now officially out of IPv4 addresses, so I would be willing to bet that IPv6 will get a lot of attention this year. Get you learn on now!

A simple and easy way to encrypt data on Linux, OS X and Windows desktops and servers

This article was posted by Matty on 2011-02-10 23:26:00 -0400 -0400

I just put up a new article a simple and easy way to encrypt data on Linux, OS X and Windows desktops and servers. The article describes Truecrypt, and shows how it can be used to set up an encrypted device on Linux, Windows and OS X hosts. If you have sensitive data on your machine, you NEED this awesome piece of FREE software. It rocks!