Blog O' Matty

Converting X509 certificates to JSON objects

This article was posted by on 2019-12-10 10:05:16 -0500 -0500

Years ago when I wrote ssl-cert-check I looked far and wide for an easy way to parse X509 certificates. I wasn’t able to find a utility so I ended up using a combination of sed and awk to extract various fields from the certificate. That worked, but over the years it’s proven to be an unmaintable solution due to diferences in formatting between the issuers.

I was recently converting some certificate management scripts to Ansible roles when I came across Cloudflare’s certinfo utility. This amazing utility can be used to display a local or remote X509 certificate as a JSON object. Oh boy, I wish this would have been around when I was writing ssl-cert-check!!! In its basic form, certinfo will print the X509 certificate as a pretty printed JSON object:

$ certinfo -domain

  "subject": {
    "common_name": "",
    "names": [
  "issuer": {
    "common_name": "Let's Encrypt Authority X3",
    "country": "US",
    "organization": "Let's Encrypt",
    "names": [
      "Let's Encrypt",
      "Let's Encrypt Authority X3"
  "serial_number": "285297399086406852295104706694661139012324",
  "sans": [
  "not_before": "2019-11-15T23:02:52Z",
  "not_after": "2020-02-13T23:02:52Z",
  "sigalg": "SHA256WithRSA",
  "authority_key_id": "A8:4A:6A:63:04:7D:DD:BA:E6:D1:39:B7:A6:45:65:EF:F3:A8:EC:A1",
  "subject_key_id": "B9:1A:41:B8:64:AE:D7:62:16:B7:27:5E:3B:FE:36:C9:8E:7D:2B:35",
  "pem": "..."

In the example above, certinfo is establishing a TLS connection to, extracting the X509 certificate and displaying it as a JSON object. Since the certificate is formatted as JSON we can use everybody’s favorite JSON processing utlity jq (you can learn more about using jq from Scott Lowe) to slice and dice the output. To get the not_after property (this contains the expiration date) as a DateTime string you can run the following command:

$ certinfo -domain | jq '(.not_after)'


To extract all of the subject alternate names from a certificate you can dump the sans array:

$ certinfo -domain | jq '(.sans[])'


And as a final example (and one I wish would have existed eons ago), you can get the issuer:

$ certinfo -domain | jq '(.issuer.common_name)'

"Let's Encrypt Authority X3"

Amazing utility, and if the Prometheus blackbox exporter didn’t support monitoring certificate expiration I would consider revamping ssl-cert-check to use it. JSON makes life so much easier.

How the docker container creation process works (from docker run to runc)

This article was posted by Matty on 2019-11-11 00:00:00 -0500 -0500

Over the past few months I’ve been investing a good bit of personal time studying how Linux containers work. Specifically, what does docker run actually do. In this post I’m going to walk through what I’ve observed and try to demystify how all the pieces fit togther. To start our adventure I’m going to create an alpine container with docker run:

$ docker run -i -t --name alpine alpine ash

This container will be used in the output below. When the docker run command is invoked it parses the options passed on the command line and creates a JSON object to represent the object it wants docker to create. The object is then sent to the docker daemon through the /var/run/docker.sock UNIX domain socket. We can use the strace utility to observe the API calls:

$ strace -s 8192 -e trace=read,write -f docker run -d alpine

[pid 13446] write(3, "GET /_ping HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: docker\r\nUser-Agent: Docker-Client/1.13.1 (linux)\r\n\r\n", 79) = 79
[pid 13442] read(3, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nApi-Version: 1.26\r\nDocker-Experimental: false\r\nServer: Docker/1.13.1 (linux)\r\nDate: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 16:12:32 GMT\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\nOK", 4096) = 196
[pid 13442] write(3, "POST /v1.26/containers/create HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: docker\r\nUser-Agent: Docker-Client/1.13.1 (linux)\r\nContent-Length: 1404\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\"Hostname\":\"\",\"Domainname\":\"\",\"User\":\"\",\"AttachStdin\":false,\"AttachStdout\":false,\"AttachStderr\":false,\"Tty\":false,\"OpenStdin\":false,\"StdinOnce\":false,\"Env\":[],\"Cmd\":null,\"Image\":\"alpine\",\"Volumes\":{},\"WorkingDir\":\"\",\"Entrypoint\":null,\"OnBuild\":null,\"Labels\":{},\"HostConfig\":{\"Binds\":null,\"ContainerIDFile\":\"\",\"LogConfig\":{\"Type\":\"\",\"Config\":{}},\"NetworkMode\":\"default\",\"PortBindings\":{},\"RestartPolicy\":{\"Name\":\"no\",\"MaximumRetryCount\":0},\"AutoRemove\":false,\"VolumeDriver\":\"\",\"VolumesFrom\":null,\"CapAdd\":null,\"CapDrop\":null,\"Dns\":[],\"DnsOptions\":[],\"DnsSearch\":[],\"ExtraHosts\":null,\"GroupAdd\":null,\"IpcMode\":\"\",\"Cgroup\":\"\",\"Links\":null,\"OomScoreAdj\":0,\"PidMode\":\"\",\"Privileged\":false,\"PublishAllPorts\":false,\"ReadonlyRootfs\":false,\"SecurityOpt\":null,\"UTSMode\":\"\",\"UsernsMode\":\"\",\"ShmSize\":0,\"ConsoleSize\":[0,0],\"Isolation\":\"\",\"CpuShares\":0,\"Memory\":0,\"NanoCpus\":0,\"CgroupParent\":\"\",\"BlkioWeight\":0,\"BlkioWeightDevice\":null,\"BlkioDeviceReadBps\":null,\"BlkioDeviceWriteBps\":null,\"BlkioDeviceReadIOps\":null,\"BlkioDeviceWriteIOps\":null,\"CpuPeriod\":0,\"CpuQuota\":0,\"CpuRealtimePeriod\":0,\"CpuRealtimeRuntime\":0,\"CpusetCpus\":\"\",\"CpusetMems\":\"\",\"Devices\":[],\"DiskQuota\":0,\"KernelMemory\":0,\"MemoryReservation\":0,\"MemorySwap\":0,\"MemorySwappiness\":-1,\"OomKillDisable\":false,\"PidsLimit\":0,\"Ulimits\":null,\"CpuCount\":0,\"CpuPercent\":0,\"IOMaximumIOps\":0,\"IOMaximumBandwidth\":0},\"NetworkingConfig\":{\"EndpointsConfig\":{}}}\n", 1556) = 1556
[pid 13442] read(3, "HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\nApi-Version: 1.26\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nDocker-Experimental: false\r\nServer: Docker/1.13.1 (linux)\r\nDate: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 16:12:32 GMT\r\nContent-Length: 90\r\n\r\n{\"Id\":\"b70b57c5ae3e25585edba898ac860e388582391907be4070f91eb49f4db5c433\",\"Warnings\":null}\n", 4096) = 281

Now here is were the real fun begins. Once the docker daemon receives the request it will parse the output and contact containerd via the gRPC API to set up the container runtime using the options passed on the command line. We can use the ctr utility to observe this interaction:

$ ctr --address "unix:///run/containerd.sock" events

TIME                           TYPE                           ID                             PID                            STATUS
time="2018-02-19T12:10:07.658081859-05:00" level=debug msg="Calling POST /v1.26/containers/create" 
time="2018-02-19T12:10:07.676706130-05:00" level=debug msg="container mounted via layerStore: /var/lib/docker/overlay2/2beda8ac904f4a2531d72e1e3910babf145c6e68dfd02008c58786adb254f9dc/merged" 
time="2018-02-19T12:10:07.682430843-05:00" level=debug msg="Calling POST /v1.26/containers/d1a6d87886e2d515bfff37d826eeb671502fa7c6f47e422ec3b3549ecacbc15f/attach?stderr=1&stdin=1&stdout=1&stream=1" 
time="2018-02-19T12:10:07.683638676-05:00" level=debug msg="Calling GET /v1.26/events?filters=%7B%22container%22%3A%7B%22d1a6d87886e2d515bfff37d826eeb671502fa7c6f47e422ec3b3549ecacbc15f%22%3Atrue%7D%2C%22type%22%3A%7B%22container%22%3Atrue%7D%7D" 
time="2018-02-19T12:10:07.684447919-05:00" level=debug msg="Calling POST /v1.26/containers/d1a6d87886e2d515bfff37d826eeb671502fa7c6f47e422ec3b3549ecacbc15f/start" 
time="2018-02-19T12:10:07.687230717-05:00" level=debug msg="container mounted via layerStore: /var/lib/docker/overlay2/2beda8ac904f4a2531d72e1e3910babf145c6e68dfd02008c58786adb254f9dc/merged" 
time="2018-02-19T12:10:07.885362059-05:00" level=debug msg="sandbox set key processing took 11.824662ms for container d1a6d87886e2d515bfff37d826eeb671502fa7c6f47e422ec3b3549ecacbc15f" 
time="2018-02-19T12:10:07.927897701-05:00" level=debug msg="libcontainerd: received containerd event: &types.Event{Type:\"start-container\", Id:\"d1a6d87886e2d515bfff37d826eeb671502fa7c6f47e422ec3b3549ecacbc15f\", Status:0x0, Pid:\"\", Timestamp:(*timestamp.Timestamp)(0xc420bacdd0)}" 
2018-02-19T17:10:07.927795344Z start-container                d1a6d87886e2d515bfff37d826eeb671502fa7c6f47e422ec3b3549ecacbc15f                                0
time="2018-02-19T12:10:07.930283397-05:00" level=debug msg="libcontainerd: event unhandled: type:\"start-container\" id:\"d1a6d87886e2d515bfff37d826eeb671502fa7c6f47e422ec3b3549ecacbc15f\" timestamp:<seconds:1519060207 nanos:927795344 > " 
time="2018-02-19T12:10:07.930874606-05:00" level=debug msg="Calling POST /v1.26/containers/d1a6d87886e2d515bfff37d826eeb671502fa7c6f47e422ec3b3549ecacbc15f/resize?h=35&w=115" 

Setting up the container runtime is a pretty substantial undertaking. Namespaces need to be configured, the Image needs to be mounted, security controls (app armor profiles, seccomp profiles, capabilities) need to be enabled, etc , etc. You can get a pretty good idea of everything that is required to set up the runtime by reviewing the output of docker inspect containerid and the config.json runtime specification file (more on that in a moment).

Containerd doesn’t actually create the container runtime. It sets up the environment and then invokes containerd-shim to start the container runtime via the configured OCI runtime (controlled with the containerd “–runtime” option) . For most modern systems the container runtime is based on runc. We can see this first hand with the pstree utility:

$ pstree -l -p -s -T

systemd,1 --switched-root --system --deserialize 24
  ├─docker-containe,19606 --listen unix:///run/containerd.sock --shim /usr/libexec/docker/docker-containerd-shim-current --start-timeout 2m --debug
  │   ├─docker-containe,19834 93a619715426f613646359863e77cc06fa85502273df931517ec3f4aaae50d5a /var/run/docker/libcontainerd/93a619715426f613646359863e77cc06fa85502273df931517ec3f4aaae50d5a /usr/libexec/docker/docker-runc-current

Since pstree truncates the process name we can verify the PIDs with ps:

$ ps auxwww | grep [1]9606

root     19606  0.0  0.2 685636 10632 ?        Ssl  13:01   0:00 /usr/libexec/docker/docker-containerd-current --listen unix:///run/containerd.sock --shim /usr/libexec/docker/docker-containerd-shim-current --start-timeout 2m --debug

$ ps auxwww | grep [1]9834

root     19834  0.0  0.0 527748  3020 ?        Sl   13:01   0:00 /usr/libexec/docker/docker-containerd-shim-current 93a619715426f613646359863e77cc06fa85502273df931517ec3f4aaae50d5a /var/run/docker/libcontainerd/93a619715426f613646359863e77cc06fa85502273df931517ec3f4aaae50d5a /usr/libexec/docker/docker-runc-current

When I first started researching the interaction between dockerd, containerd and the shim I wasn’t real sure what purpose the shim served. Luckily Google took me to a great write up by Michael Crosby. The shim serves a couple of purposes:

  1. It allows you to run daemonless containers.
  2. STDIO and other FDs are kept open in the event that containerd and docker die.
  3. Reports the containers exit status to containerd.

The first and second bullet points are super important. These features allows the container to be decoupled from the docker daemon allowing dockerd to be upgraded or restarted w/o impacting the running containers. Nifty! I mentioned that the shim is responsible for kicking off runc to actually run the container. Runc needs two things to do its job: a specification file and a path to a root file system image (the combination of the two is referred to as a bundle). To see how this works we can create a rootfs by exporting the alpine docker image:

$ mkdir -p alpine/rootfs

$ cd alpine

$ docker export d1a6d87886e2 | tar -C rootfs -xvf -

time="2018-02-19T12:54:13.082321231-05:00" level=debug msg="Calling GET /v1.26/containers/d1a6d87886e2/export" 

The export option takes a container if which you can find in the docker ps -a output. To generate a specificationfile you can use the runc spec command:

$ runc spec

This will create a specification file named config.json in your current directory. This file can be customized to suit your needs and requirements. Once you are happy with the file you can run runc with the rootfs directory as its sole argument (the container configuration will be read from the file config.json file):

$ runc run rootfs

This simple example will spawn an alpine ash shell:

$ runc run rootfs

/ # cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Alpine Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.7"

Being able to create containers and play with the runc runtime specification is incredibly powerful. You can evaluate different apparmor profiles, test out Linux capabilities and play around with every facet of the container runtime environment without needing to install docker. I just barely scratched the surface here and would highly recommend reading through the runc and containerd documentation. Super cool stuff!

Seeing what changed in a docker containers file system

This article was posted by on 2019-11-07 15:34:46 -0500 -0500

Docker has a number of nifty options to help investigate containers and container images. One option I have used over and over to debug issues is the docker [“diff” command.] ( This dumps out the files that have been aded (A), deleted (D) and created(C) since the container started. Here’s a simple example showing diff in action:

$ docker run --rm -it --name centos centos bash

$ touch /tmp/bar /tmp/baz /tmp/foo

$ docker diff centos

C /run
D /run/secrets
C /tmp
A /tmp/bar
A /tmp/baz
A /tmp/foo

Cool stuff!

Creating a set of random numbers from the command line

This article was posted by on 2019-11-06 14:57:26 -0500 -0500

This past weekend I was doing some database testing and needed to generate some random numbers to populate a table. My typical go-to utility for generating one random number is head piped to od and tr:

$ head -c 8 /dev/urandom | od -An -t x | tr -d ' '


This works well and can be aded to a loop to get more than one
number. But I was curious if there was a native Linux utility
available to do this work. A quick poke through the Linux man pages
turned up the coreutils shuf utility:

$ `man -k random`

pwmake (1) - simple tool for generating random relatively easily pronounceable passwords shuf (1) - generate random permutations sslrand (1ssl) - generate pseudo-random bytes systemd-random-seed (8) - Load and save the system random seed at boot and shutdown systemd-random-seed.service (8) - Load and save the system random seed at boot and shutdown tc-red (8) - Random Early Detection

This was exactly what I was after. You can use the "-i" option
to indicate the random number range and "-n" to control how
many numbers are returned:

$ ` shuf -i 1-10000000 -n 5`

6174420 3403304 6024195 8451479 9210890

Super cool utility!

Notes from episode 45 of TGIK: Calico

This article was posted by Matty on 2019-10-21 00:00:00 -0500 -0500

Over the past few months I’ve been trying to learn everything there is to know about Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an amazing technology for deploying and scaling containers though it comes with a cost. It’s an incredibly complex piece of software and there are a ton of bells and whistles to become familiar with. One way that I’ve found for coming up to speed is Joe Beda’s weekly TGIK live broadcast. This occurs each Friday at 4PM EST and is CHOCK full of fantastic information. In episode forty-five Kris Nova discusses the calico CNI plug-in. You can watch it here:

Here are some of my takeways from the episode:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: default deny
  namespace: mynamespace
    matchLabels: {}