I recently spent some time reading through the grub source code and the real mode assembly that resides in the MBR (master boot record). As I was reading though an explanation of the MBR real mode asembly code, I was amazed at how much cool stuff was packed into the 512-bytes that makes up the MBR (and of that 512-bytes, only 448-bytes are dedicated to storing machine code and error strings). The link above does a great job describing the real mode assembly, and in a nutshell the MBR code in that link does the following four things:
The MBR real mode assembly is pretty neat, and the following 448-bytes of real mode assembly from the OpenBSD MBR are amazingly cool (I am a geek at heart, so this kinda stuff interests me):
$ objdump -D -b binary -mi386 -Maddr16,data16 /usr/mdec/mbr
/usr/mdec/mbr: file format binary
Disassembly of section .data:
00000000 <.data>:
0: ea 05 00 c0 07 ljmp $0x7c0,$0x5
5: 8c c8 mov %cs,%ax
7: 8e d0 mov %ax,%ss
9: bc fc ff mov $0xfffc,%sp
c: 8e d8 mov %ax,%ds
e: b8 a0 07 mov $0x7a0,%ax
11: 8e c0 mov %ax,%es
13: 31 f6 xor %si,%si
15: 31 ff xor %di,%di
17: b9 00 02 mov $0x200,%cx
1a: fc cld
1b: f3 a4 repz movsb %ds:(%si),%es:(%di)
1d: ea 22 00 a0 07 ljmp $0x7a0,$0x22
22: 1e push %ds
23: 07 pop %es
24: 0e push %cs
25: 1f pop %ds
26: b4 02 mov $0x2,%ah
28: cd 16 int $0x16
2a: a8 03 test $0x3,%al
2c: 74 0a je 0x38
2e: b0 07 mov $0x7,%al
30: e8 cb 00 call 0xfe
33: 80 0e b4 01 01 orb $0x1,436
38: f6 c2 80 test $0x80,%dl
3b: 75 08 jne 0x45
3d: be 36 01 mov $0x136,%si
40: e8 af 00 call 0xf2
43: b2 80 mov $0x80,%dl
45: be be 01 mov $0x1be,%si
48: b9 04 00 mov $0x4,%cx
4b: 8a 04 mov (%si),%al
4d: 3c 80 cmp $0x80,%al
4f: 74 0f je 0x60
51: 83 c6 10 add $0x10,%si
54: e2 f5 loop 0x4b
56: be 6a 01 mov $0x16a,%si
59: e8 96 00 call 0xf2
5c: fb sti
5d: f4 hlt
5e: eb fc jmp 0x5c
60: 88 d0 mov %dl,%al
62: 24 0f and $0xf,%al
64: 04 30 add $0x30,%al
66: a2 27 01 mov %al,0x127
69: b0 34 mov $0x34,%al
6b: 28 c8 sub %cl,%al
6d: a2 34 01 mov %al,0x134
70: 56 push %si
71: be 1a 01 mov $0x11a,%si
74: f6 06 b4 01 01 testb $0x1,436
79: 75 01 jne 0x7c
7b: 46 inc %si
7c: e8 73 00 call 0xf2
7f: 5e pop %si
80: 26 c7 06 fe 01 00 00 movw $0x0,%es:510
87: f6 06 b4 01 01 testb $0x1,436
8c: 75 31 jne 0xbf
8e: 88 14 mov %dl,(%si)
90: bb aa 55 mov $0x55aa,%bx
93: b4 41 mov $0x41,%ah
95: cd 13 int $0x13
97: 8a 14 mov (%si),%dl
99: 72 24 jb 0xbf
9b: 81 fb 55 aa cmp $0xaa55,%bx
9f: 75 1e jne 0xbf
a1: f6 c1 01 test $0x1,%cl
a4: 74 19 je 0xbf
a6: b0 2e mov $0x2e,%al
a8: e8 53 00 call 0xfe
ab: 66 8b 4c 08 mov 8(%si),%ecx
af: 66 89 0e 12 01 mov %ecx,274
b4: 56 push %si
b5: b4 42 mov $0x42,%ah
b7: be 0a 01 mov $0x10a,%si
ba: cd 13 int $0x13
bc: 5e pop %si
bd: 73 19 jae 0xd8
bf: b0 3b mov $0x3b,%al
c1: e8 3a 00 call 0xfe
c4: 8a 74 01 mov 1(%si),%dh
c7: 8b 4c 02 mov 2(%si),%cx
ca: b8 01 02 mov $0x201,%ax
cd: 31 db xor %bx,%bx
cf: cd 13 int $0x13
d1: 73 05 jae 0xd8
d3: be 52 01 mov $0x152,%si
d6: eb 81 jmp 0x59
d8: be 7d 01 mov $0x17d,%si
db: e8 14 00 call 0xf2
de: 26 81 3e fe 01 55 aa cmpw $0xaa55,%es:510
e5: 75 05 jne 0xec
e7: ea 00 7c 00 00 ljmp $0x0,$0x7c00
ec: be 61 01 mov $0x161,%si
ef: e9 67 ff jmp 0x59
f2: 50 push %ax
f3: fc cld
f4: ac lods %ds:(%si),%al
f5: 84 c0 test %al,%al
f7: 74 0f je 0x108
f9: e8 02 00 call 0xfe
fc: eb f6 jmp 0xf4
fe: 50 push %ax
ff: 53 push %bx
100: b4 0e mov $0xe,%ah
102: bb 01 00 mov $0x1,%bx
105: cd 10 int $0x10
107: 5b pop %bx
108: 58 pop %ax
109: c3 ret
10a: 10 00 adc %al,(%bx,%si)
10c: 01 00 add %ax,(%bx,%si)
10e: 00 00 add %al,(%bx,%si)
110: c0 07 00 rolb $0x0,(%bx)
113: 00 00 add %al,(%bx,%si)
115: 00 00 add %al,(%bx,%si)
117: 00 00 add %al,(%bx,%si)
119: 00 21 add %ah,(%bx,%di)
11b: 55 push %bp
11c: 73 69 jae 0x187
11e: 6e outsb %ds:(%si),(%dx)
11f: 67 20 64 72 69 addr32 and %ah,0x69(%edx,%esi,2)
124: 76 65 jbe 0x18b
126: 20 58 2c and %bl,44(%bx,%si)
129: 20 70 61 and %dh,97(%bx,%si)
12c: 72 74 jb 0x1a2
12e: 69 74 69 6f 6e imul $0x6e6f,105(%si),%si
133: 20 59 00 and %bl,0(%bx,%di)
136: 4d dec %bp
137: 42 inc %dx
138: 52 push %dx
139: 20 6f 6e and %ch,110(%bx)
13c: 20 66 6c and %ah,108(%bp)
13f: 6f outsw %ds:(%si),(%dx)
140: 70 70 jo 0x1b2
142: 79 20 jns 0x164
144: 6f outsw %ds:(%si),(%dx)
145: 72 20 jb 0x167
147: 6f outsw %ds:(%si),(%dx)
148: 6c insb (%dx),%es:(%di)
149: 64 20 42 49 and %al,%fs:73(%bp,%si)
14d: 4f dec %di
14e: 53 push %bx
14f: 0d 0a 00 or $0xa,%ax
152: 0d 0a 52 or $0x520a,%ax
155: 65 gs
156: 61 popa
157: 64 20 65 72 and %ah,%fs:114(%di)
15b: 72 6f jb 0x1cc
15d: 72 0d jb 0x16c
15f: 0a 00 or (%bx,%si),%al
161: 4e dec %si
162: 6f outsw %ds:(%si),(%dx)
163: 20 4f 2f and %cl,47(%bx)
166: 53 push %bx
167: 0d 0a 00 or $0xa,%ax
16a: 4e dec %si
16b: 6f outsw %ds:(%si),(%dx)
16c: 20 61 63 and %ah,99(%bx,%di)
16f: 74 69 je 0x1da
171: 76 65 jbe 0x1d8
173: 20 70 61 and %dh,97(%bx,%si)
176: 72 74 jb 0x1ec
178: 69 74 69 6f 6e imul $0x6e6f,105(%si),%si
17d: 0d 0a 00 or $0xa,%ax
180: 90 nop
1b5: 00 4f 78 add %cl,120(%bx)
1ec: 00 00 add %al,(%bx,%si)
1ee: 80 00 01 addb $0x1,(%bx,%si)
1f1: 00 a6 ff ff add %ah,-1(%bp)
1f5: ff 00 incw (%bx,%si)
1f7: 00 00 add %al,(%bx,%si)
1f9: 00 ff add %bh,%bh
1fb: ff (bad)
1fc: ff (bad)
1fd: 7f 55 jg 0x254
1ff: aa stos %al,%es:(%di)