Digging through the MBR (Master Boot Record)

I recently spent some time reading through the grub source code and the real mode assembly that resides in the MBR (master boot record). As I was reading though an explanation of the MBR real mode asembly code, I was amazed at how much cool stuff was packed into the 512-bytes that makes up the MBR (and of that 512-bytes, only 448-bytes are dedicated to storing machine code and error strings). The link above does a great job describing the real mode assembly, and in a nutshell the MBR code in that link does the following four things:

  1. The MBR first relocates itself (in the link above, the MBR is relocated to real mode address 0000:6C00).
  2. Once the MBR relocates itself, it loops through the partition table to find a partition that is marked active (i.e. contains the identifier 0x80).
  3. If an active partition is found, the MBR code loads the PBR (partition boot record) from the active partition at address 0000:7C000 through the ‘int 13’ instruction (in real mode assembly, interrrupt 13 is used to read one or more sectors from disk).
  4. After the PBR is loaded, a check is made to see if the MBR contains a valid signature (0xAA55). If the signature exists and equals 0xAA55, the code jumps to the address where the PBR was loaded (the MBR overview above shows that the PBR was loaded at address 0000:7C00), and begins executing the code in the PBR.

The MBR real mode assembly is pretty neat, and the following 448-bytes of real mode assembly from the OpenBSD MBR are amazingly cool (I am a geek at heart, so this kinda stuff interests me):

$ objdump -D -b binary -mi386 -Maddr16,data16 /usr/mdec/mbr

/usr/mdec/mbr: file format binary

Disassembly of section .data:

00000000 <.data>:
0: ea 05 00 c0 07 ljmp $0x7c0,$0x5
5: 8c c8 mov %cs,%ax
7: 8e d0 mov %ax,%ss
9: bc fc ff mov $0xfffc,%sp
c: 8e d8 mov %ax,%ds
e: b8 a0 07 mov $0x7a0,%ax
11: 8e c0 mov %ax,%es
13: 31 f6 xor %si,%si
15: 31 ff xor %di,%di
17: b9 00 02 mov $0x200,%cx
1a: fc cld
1b: f3 a4 repz movsb %ds:(%si),%es:(%di)
1d: ea 22 00 a0 07 ljmp $0x7a0,$0x22
22: 1e push %ds
23: 07 pop %es
24: 0e push %cs
25: 1f pop %ds
26: b4 02 mov $0x2,%ah
28: cd 16 int $0x16
2a: a8 03 test $0x3,%al
2c: 74 0a je 0x38
2e: b0 07 mov $0x7,%al
30: e8 cb 00 call 0xfe
33: 80 0e b4 01 01 orb $0x1,436
38: f6 c2 80 test $0x80,%dl
3b: 75 08 jne 0x45
3d: be 36 01 mov $0x136,%si
40: e8 af 00 call 0xf2
43: b2 80 mov $0x80,%dl
45: be be 01 mov $0x1be,%si
48: b9 04 00 mov $0x4,%cx
4b: 8a 04 mov (%si),%al
4d: 3c 80 cmp $0x80,%al
4f: 74 0f je 0x60
51: 83 c6 10 add $0x10,%si
54: e2 f5 loop 0x4b
56: be 6a 01 mov $0x16a,%si
59: e8 96 00 call 0xf2
5c: fb sti
5d: f4 hlt
5e: eb fc jmp 0x5c
60: 88 d0 mov %dl,%al
62: 24 0f and $0xf,%al
64: 04 30 add $0x30,%al
66: a2 27 01 mov %al,0x127
69: b0 34 mov $0x34,%al
6b: 28 c8 sub %cl,%al
6d: a2 34 01 mov %al,0x134
70: 56 push %si
71: be 1a 01 mov $0x11a,%si
74: f6 06 b4 01 01 testb $0x1,436
79: 75 01 jne 0x7c
7b: 46 inc %si
7c: e8 73 00 call 0xf2
7f: 5e pop %si
80: 26 c7 06 fe 01 00 00 movw $0x0,%es:510
87: f6 06 b4 01 01 testb $0x1,436
8c: 75 31 jne 0xbf
8e: 88 14 mov %dl,(%si)
90: bb aa 55 mov $0x55aa,%bx
93: b4 41 mov $0x41,%ah
95: cd 13 int $0x13
97: 8a 14 mov (%si),%dl
99: 72 24 jb 0xbf
9b: 81 fb 55 aa cmp $0xaa55,%bx
9f: 75 1e jne 0xbf
a1: f6 c1 01 test $0x1,%cl
a4: 74 19 je 0xbf
a6: b0 2e mov $0x2e,%al
a8: e8 53 00 call 0xfe
ab: 66 8b 4c 08 mov 8(%si),%ecx
af: 66 89 0e 12 01 mov %ecx,274
b4: 56 push %si
b5: b4 42 mov $0x42,%ah
b7: be 0a 01 mov $0x10a,%si
ba: cd 13 int $0x13
bc: 5e pop %si
bd: 73 19 jae 0xd8
bf: b0 3b mov $0x3b,%al
c1: e8 3a 00 call 0xfe
c4: 8a 74 01 mov 1(%si),%dh
c7: 8b 4c 02 mov 2(%si),%cx
ca: b8 01 02 mov $0x201,%ax
cd: 31 db xor %bx,%bx
cf: cd 13 int $0x13
d1: 73 05 jae 0xd8
d3: be 52 01 mov $0x152,%si
d6: eb 81 jmp 0x59
d8: be 7d 01 mov $0x17d,%si
db: e8 14 00 call 0xf2
de: 26 81 3e fe 01 55 aa cmpw $0xaa55,%es:510
e5: 75 05 jne 0xec
e7: ea 00 7c 00 00 ljmp $0x0,$0x7c00
ec: be 61 01 mov $0x161,%si
ef: e9 67 ff jmp 0x59
f2: 50 push %ax
f3: fc cld
f4: ac lods %ds:(%si),%al
f5: 84 c0 test %al,%al
f7: 74 0f je 0x108
f9: e8 02 00 call 0xfe
fc: eb f6 jmp 0xf4
fe: 50 push %ax
ff: 53 push %bx
100: b4 0e mov $0xe,%ah
102: bb 01 00 mov $0x1,%bx
105: cd 10 int $0x10
107: 5b pop %bx
108: 58 pop %ax
109: c3 ret
10a: 10 00 adc %al,(%bx,%si)
10c: 01 00 add %ax,(%bx,%si)
10e: 00 00 add %al,(%bx,%si)
110: c0 07 00 rolb $0x0,(%bx)
113: 00 00 add %al,(%bx,%si)
115: 00 00 add %al,(%bx,%si)
117: 00 00 add %al,(%bx,%si)
119: 00 21 add %ah,(%bx,%di)
11b: 55 push %bp
11c: 73 69 jae 0x187
11e: 6e outsb %ds:(%si),(%dx)
11f: 67 20 64 72 69 addr32 and %ah,0x69(%edx,%esi,2)
124: 76 65 jbe 0x18b
126: 20 58 2c and %bl,44(%bx,%si)
129: 20 70 61 and %dh,97(%bx,%si)
12c: 72 74 jb 0x1a2
12e: 69 74 69 6f 6e imul $0x6e6f,105(%si),%si
133: 20 59 00 and %bl,0(%bx,%di)
136: 4d dec %bp
137: 42 inc %dx
138: 52 push %dx
139: 20 6f 6e and %ch,110(%bx)
13c: 20 66 6c and %ah,108(%bp)
13f: 6f outsw %ds:(%si),(%dx)
140: 70 70 jo 0x1b2
142: 79 20 jns 0x164
144: 6f outsw %ds:(%si),(%dx)
145: 72 20 jb 0x167
147: 6f outsw %ds:(%si),(%dx)
148: 6c insb (%dx),%es:(%di)
149: 64 20 42 49 and %al,%fs:73(%bp,%si)
14d: 4f dec %di
14e: 53 push %bx
14f: 0d 0a 00 or $0xa,%ax
152: 0d 0a 52 or $0x520a,%ax
155: 65 gs
156: 61 popa
157: 64 20 65 72 and %ah,%fs:114(%di)
15b: 72 6f jb 0x1cc
15d: 72 0d jb 0x16c
15f: 0a 00 or (%bx,%si),%al
161: 4e dec %si
162: 6f outsw %ds:(%si),(%dx)
163: 20 4f 2f and %cl,47(%bx)
166: 53 push %bx
167: 0d 0a 00 or $0xa,%ax
16a: 4e dec %si
16b: 6f outsw %ds:(%si),(%dx)
16c: 20 61 63 and %ah,99(%bx,%di)
16f: 74 69 je 0x1da
171: 76 65 jbe 0x1d8
173: 20 70 61 and %dh,97(%bx,%si)
176: 72 74 jb 0x1ec
178: 69 74 69 6f 6e imul $0x6e6f,105(%si),%si
17d: 0d 0a 00 or $0xa,%ax
180: 90 nop
1b5: 00 4f 78 add %cl,120(%bx)
1ec: 00 00 add %al,(%bx,%si)
1ee: 80 00 01 addb $0x1,(%bx,%si)
1f1: 00 a6 ff ff add %ah,-1(%bp)
1f5: ff 00 incw (%bx,%si)
1f7: 00 00 add %al,(%bx,%si)
1f9: 00 ff add %bh,%bh
1fb: ff (bad)
1fc: ff (bad)
1fd: 7f 55 jg 0x254
1ff: aa stos %al,%es:(%di)
This article was posted by Matty on 2006-09-09 15:19:00 -0400 -0400