Auditing your Kubernetes clusters security posture with kubeaudit

In this day and age of security breaches, system compromises, and critical CVEs coming out almost daily, security best practices should go into everything we do. There is an almost limitless number of tools for auditing, securing, and reporting on system and network security issues. One of these tools, Kubeaudit, allows you to audit the security posture of your Kubernetes clusters. Kubeaudit ships with a numerous audit rules, which cover the major Kubernetes security best practices.

To get started with kubeadit, you will need to download a binary from the projects Github release page:

$ curl -L0 -o kubeaudit.tgz

$ tar xfvz kubeaudit*.gz

Once downloaded, you can run it without any arguments to see the available options:

$ kubeaudit

Available Commands:
  all         Run all audits
  allowpe     Audit containers that allow privilege escalation
  apparmor    Audit containers running without AppArmor
  autofix     Automagically fixes a manifest to be secure
  caps        Audit container for capabilities
  help        Help about any command
  image       Audit container images
  limits      Audit containers running with limits
  mountds     Audit containers that mount /var/run/docker.sock
  namespaces  Audit Pods for hostNetwork, hostIPC and hostPID
  nonroot     Audit containers running as root
  np          Audit namespace network policies
  priv        Audit containers running as privileged
  rootfs      Audit containers with read only root filesystems
  sat         Audit automountServiceAccountToken = true pods against an empty (default) service account
  seccomp     Audit containers running without Seccomp
  version     Print the version number of kubeaudit

As you can see, there are options to audit pretty much every aspect of your cluster. Are image tags defined? Yup! Capabilities? For sure! Containers running without security contexts set? Indeed! To start an audit, pick the item you want to audit, and pass it as an argument to kubeaudit. The following example uses the “all” command to audit everything, and limits the audit to the default namespace:

$ kubeaudit all -n default

INFO[0000] Not running inside cluster, using local config 
ERRO[0000] AllowPrivilegeEscalation not set which allows privilege escalation, please set to false  Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] ReadOnlyRootFilesystem not set which results in a writable rootFS, please set to true  Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] RunAsNonRoot is not set in ContainerSecurityContext, which results in root user being allowed!  Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
WARN[0000] serviceAccount is a deprecated alias for ServiceAccountName, use that one instead  DSA=default KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default SA=default
WARN[0000] Privileged defaults to false, which results in non privileged, which is okay.  Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=AUDIT_WRITE Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=CHOWN Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=DAC_OVERRIDE Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=FOWNER Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=FSETID Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=KILL Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=MKNOD Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=NET_BIND_SERVICE Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=NET_RAW Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=SETFCAP Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=SETGID Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=SETPCAP Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=SETUID Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Capability not dropped                        CapName=SYS_CHROOT Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
WARN[0000] Resource limit not set, please set it!        KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
WARN[0000] Image tag was missing                         Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] AppArmor annotation missing.                  Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default
ERRO[0000] Seccomp annotation missing.                   Container=centos KubeType=pod Name=centos Namespace=default

Your head may spin the first time you run kubeaudit. I know mine did when I ran it with the all option, and against all namespaces. But fear not, a lot of the output is repetitive, and can be addressed with simple changes to your deployment manifests. Setting resource requests and limits, dropping unneeded capabilities, using security contexts, etc. Kubeaudit also has an “autofix” command, which can update a manifest to comply with security best practices:

$ kubectl run centos --image=centos -o yaml --dry-run > centos.yaml

$ copy centos.yaml centos-autofix.yaml

$ kubeaudit autofix -f centos-autofix.yaml

One the manifest is updated, you can use your favorite diff utility to see the changes kubeaudit made:

$ sdiff centos.yaml centos-autofix.yaml | more

                    > ---
apiVersion: v1              apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod             kind: Pod
metadata:             metadata:
  creationTimestamp: null           creationTimestamp: null
  labels:               labels:
    run: centos1                run: centos1
  name: centos1               name: centos1
                    >   annotations:
                    > r
                    > runtime/default
spec:               spec:
  containers:               containers:
  - image: centos             - image: centos
    name: centos1               name: centos1
    resources: {}               resources: {}
                    >     securityContext:
                    >       allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
                    >       capabilities:
                    >         drop:
                    >         - AUDIT_WRITE
                    >         - CHOWN

I’ve addressed the vast majority of these findings by creating templates that comply with security best practices. These templates are then used when I create new deployments, and verified when new manifests are checked into version control. This is a super useful utility, and will definitely take your Kubernetes security posture to 11.

This article was posted by on 2020-05-12 02:00:00 -0500 -0500