Listing Kubernetes nodes by label

When you support large Kubernetes clusters, you need efficient methods to list pods, nodes, and deployments when you are troubleshooting issues. Kubectl has a number of built-in methods to do this. You can use jsonpath, selectors and sort-by statements to return the exact data you need. In addition, you can use the kubectl “-l” option to list objects that contain (or don’t contain) a label. To illustrate this, lets assign the label “env=staging” to a node:

$ kubectl label node test-worker env=staging

node/test-worker labeled

Once that label is assigned, you can list all nodes with that label by passing it as an argument to the list option:

$ kubectl get nodes -l env=staging

test-worker   Ready    <none>   2m15s   v1.17.0

This gets even more useful when you add in logic operations:

$ kubectl get nodes -l 'env!=staging'

NAME                  STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
test-control-plane    Ready    master   10m     v1.17.0
test-control-plane2   Ready    master   10m     v1.17.0
test-worker2          Ready    <none>   9m31s   v1.17.0
test-worker3          Ready    <none>   9m41s   v1.17.0

The example above will list all nodes that don’t contain the label ‘env=staging’. Super useful stuff!

This article was posted by on 2020-04-20 00:00:00 -0500 -0500