Even though I’m your typical IT geek, I’m not one to jump on technology just because it’s new. I like to wait until technology stabilizes, prices drop and the lines at your favorite geek store decrease in size. I’m fortunate to have a Macbook Pro, and use it for just about everything I do. While I love my laptop the size and weight have always been a draw back for me. This week I got to visit the Apple store for the first time in I can’t recall, and I fell in love with the iPad2.
I’m seriously thinking about getting one, though a few questions came to mind:
I’m sure a number of my readers are using iPads, and I would love to get your thoughts on these questions. I’m leaning towards this model, though I’m not really sure I need 64GB of SSD storage. I like to be practical when it comes to things like this, though sometimes more is actually better. :)