Printing individual perl module versions

Last week I discussed how to use the Perl debugger to print the module versions that a program references. While reading through the perlmod documentation, I saw Perl’s “-M” option. This allows a module to be specified on the command line (versus referencing it with a “use’ statement). Each Perl module should export the $VERSION variable, so finding the version number of a specific module is a snap:

$ perl -MNet::LDAP -e 'print "Net::LDAP::VERSION "'

This will print the module version for the Net::LDAP module, as listed in the Net::LDAP perl module (pm) file:

$ pwd

$ grep \^\VERSION
$ VERSION = "0.32";

It is amazing how many nifty things are available in Perl!

This article was posted by Matty on 2005-09-07 23:00:00 -0400 -0400