Installing and using facter on Solaris and Linux hosts

I have been playing around with puppet, which is an awesome configuration management tool. Puppet allows you to apply configurations to nodes based on one or more facts (a fact is a specific piece of information, such as a list of network interfaces), which includes everything from operating system information to the network configuration. To gather this information, puppet uses facter, which provides a consistent way to locate information about a machine in a machine independent way. To install facter, you can use your favorite package manager, or run the following to install from source:

$ tar xfvz facter-1.5.tgz

$ cd facter-1.5

$ ruby install.rb

Once facter is installed, you can use the facter program to list all of the available facts on your system:

$ facter | head -5
architecture => x86_64 domain => facterversion => 1.5.4 fqdn => hardwareisa => x86_64

To retrieve the value of a fact, you can run facter with the name of the facts you want to display:

$ facter hostname interfaces macaddress
hostname => kvmnode1 interfaces => macaddress => 54:52:00:53:20:00

I’m hoping to start writing about puppet, and my experiences using it to manage my lab. It’s an addictive piece of software, and can save admins lots and lots of time!

This article was posted by Matty on 2009-06-02 16:32:00 -0400 -0400