Best way to learn how applications work? Dtrace!

I have been spending a good bit of time trying to understand how Apache works, and started to wonder which methods could be used to understand how large software packages work. After pondering this for a bit, it dawned on me that DTrace’s flowindent and ustack() / stack() functions are ideal for reverse engineering software. To illustrate what I am talking about, say you want to see what to watch the call flow between the Apache ap_run_create_connection() and ap_run_process_connection() hooks. You can read the source code to put together a call flow diagram, or you can run the following DTrace script:

$ cat apacheflow.d

#pragma D option flowindent

self->follow = 1;

self->follow = 0

/ self->follow /

$ dtrace -ppgrep httpd -s apacheflow.d

dtrace: script 'apacheflow.d' matched 16943 probes

0 -> ap_run_create_connection
0 -> core_create_conn
0 -> apr_palloc
0 <- apr_palloc
0 -> memset
0 <- memset
0 -> ap_update_child_status
0 <- ap_update_child_status
0 -> ap_update_child_status_from_indexes
0 <- ap_update_child_status_from_indexes

0 -> ap_create_conn_config
0 <- ap_create_conn_config
0 -> create_empty_config
0 -> apr_palloc
0 <- apr_palloc
0 -> memset
0 <- memset
0 <- create_empty_config
[ ..... ]
0 <- ap_rgetline_core
0 -> apr_time_now
0 -> gettimeofday
0 <- gettimeofday
0 <- apr_time_now
0 -> apr_brigade_destroy
0 -> apr_pool_cleanup_kill
0 <- apr_pool_cleanup_kill
0 <- apr_brigade_destroy
0 -> apr_brigade_cleanup
0 <- apr_brigade_cleanup
0 <- ap_read_request
0 <- ap_process_http_connection

I have found this useful for watching specific call paths, and for understanding the system impacts of specific call paths. Since you can also instrument each and every instruction in a function*, Clay thinks this could be useful for viewing branches while reading the output of dis(1).

Unfortunately you cannot view the original instruction that was executed, but it sounds like Adam Leventhalis working on a fix for this! When his fix is put back into Solaris, this will be sweeeeeet!

This article was posted by Matty on 2006-01-24 03:15:00 -0400 -0400